Have you been considering Palm Desert Mold Testing, but you haven’t scheduled an appointment yet? Many homeowners hesitate to invest in mold testing because they think a problem they can’t see surely can’t be that dangerous. But the truth is that mold could be growing in your home without you even knowing it. Mold can pose health risks to you and your family, so testing for it then having it removed as soon as possible will ensure the safety of your home and loved ones.
If you’d like to make an appointment for Mold Testing, contact the expert inspectors at Home Sweet Home Inspections. For more than 14 years, we’ve been protecting local families and keeping them safe through our professional inspections. To schedule your mold testing, give us a call at 760-282-3534 or click here! To learn more about mold and Palm Desert Mold Testing, read the quick guide provided below.
Mold testing can be a tricky thing to understand, especially if you’ve never done it before or if you’re not that familiar with mold itself. Mold grows everywhere, and just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there, making the need for mold testing vital. Here’s everything you need to know about mold testing, including signs of mold and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of mold in your living environment.
The term mold is a catch-all for various species of fungi that grow in damp or moist conditions. While there are an estimated 100,000+ different types of mold that can live on plants and animals, only about 100 species make up 90% of all mold found in your home. For our purposes, we’ll define it broadly as any fungus you find growing in your indoor environment.
Technically speaking, mold is not a type of bacteria (which is a completely different form of life), but there are some similarities between them. Both molds and bacteria need moisture to grow—they use water as their primary food source—and both release toxins into their surroundings that can make you sick if you come into contact with them
Here are some warning signs that indicate your home may have a problem with mold:
One of the first indications you may have mold is a musty odor in your home. Not every type of mold emits a noticeable smell, but quite a few of them do. This odor will continue to linger even if you’ve recently cleaned the area.
Mold thrives in wet conditions. Though you may think that Palm Desert is arid enough to keep mold at bay, that’s not actually the case; dry weather may slow down growth, but it doesn’t prevent it entirely. And if you live in a home with leaky pipes or faucets, the dampness plus high temperatures will encourage mold growth. If you see any evidence of water damage, then you may have mold developing.
Of course, the most obvious sign you have mold in your home is if you see strange growths, especially in moist areas like the basement, bathroom, and kitchen. Mold often appears as a thread-like substance or a cluster of sports. Its color can vary depending on what type of mold it is, but the most common colors are green, black, brown, gray, and white.
If mold is left to grow unchecked, it can harm the health of your family members. Common symptoms associated with mold exposure include headaches, coughing, fatigue, shortness of breath, tightness in the throat, and a stuffy nose.
If you suspect that your home has mold, the first step is to find out for sure by scheduling professional mold testing for your Palm Desert home. That’s where the team at Home Sweet Home Inspections comes in; we can give you peace of mind by testing your home to determine if mold is present. To make an appointment, just give us a call at 760-282-3534 or use our online scheduling page.